
Life update ♥

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hi blog! :) I missed you.. really...

It's been a long time since I posted anything on this blog. I tried. I swear. But something just keeps on coming up.

It's currently 5:44 AM and I've been awake for an hour now. You see, I haven't been active on this site because I am busy and I have been working my butt off. It's somehow refreshing and hard at the same time because a year ago, it was definitely a different environment for me working for a well-known company and being in an office doing usual office things and strictly complying on what the work demands even if it asks for an extra hour or so.

Today is very significant because it's Friday and it's my last day on the job. Yup. I am leaving my office job because I just have a one year contract with them. It's a mixture of sadness but also happiness? I am sad that I had to leave my co-workers. I mean, I see them for like almost every day and now it will be different. From office duties, to full time mommy duties. :) Leaving is also a start of something right? I am also happy because I know that there are a lot of opportunities for me and it's a shame if I miss something great.

I will definitely be posting a lot. *hopefully* if not about beauty, probably mommy things on my other blog.
I will miss going to the office. I feel lucky that I got a chance to work for that company because it demanded a lot but I learned a lot, not just office works, but also life lessons.

Well anyways, I have to end this post as I figure out what to wear on my last day of work. ♥

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