Hi! So, I have had a long list of resolutions and one of them is of course, getting out of my comfort zone and just go out there and try new things and one of those new things are Organic Cosmetics. Actually, I haven't really thought of trying all natural makeup products until recently that I had a chance because I won a...
Hi guys! I'm so excited to let you all know that my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award! If you don't know what the Liebster Award is, it is generally nominating new blogs that are new and upcoming with good standards and also has less than a thousand followers! I was nominated by Vlad of Vladvaida Thank you so much for nominating...
First Impression and Review: Ever Bilena Matte Lipstick in Toast of New York (Philippines Local Brand)
Beauty Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Hi! As a makeup lover residing in the Philippines, one of the most famous make-up brand is Ever Bilena! I've had Ever Bilena products before like the liquid foundation, liquid eyeliners and even those clear mascaras but I don't remember owning a lip product from them. Maybe because when I was so in to Ever Bilena, I wasn't really going for lip products...
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hi guys! ♥ I know that this lip liners have been around for quite some time but I just discovered this and wanted to try for myself! I've heard that this is available in Ebay while I got mine in a local online shop for Php300.00 ($6.29) with 12 lip liners. But if you buy on Shoppee, some...
Maybelline Dream Satin Skin Air-Whipped Liquid Foundation First Impression Review (UPDATED)
Beauty Tuesday, February 02, 2016 Hi guys! For my first blog post this year, I've taken advantage of the Maybelline Sale! I think it lasted for a whole month of January and I wanted to buy this liquid foundation for quite some time and thank goodness, I got it for Php300.00 ($6.29) instead of its original price which is Php499.00 ($10.46). First of all, my skin is not...