Hi guys! ♥
This is a late blog post, but anyway, I am still going for it!
So recently, (a few months ago?) I joined a contest from Avon and it is the Virtual Make-over Contest and I won! *yay* I am one of the ten lucky winners who got the chance to win Php5,000.00 plus Avon products! How insane is that!? I never win anything, and I am so happy I won. Thanks Avon!
Well, anyway, as promised, I am going to share with you guys the products I won. To claim the products, a list was given to me and I will check out a product that I want to have (this was done at the Avon Branch). It was all categorized and I have to pick like, let's say there's a list of 5 lip glosses and I have to pick 3. I didn't had the chance to see the products itself so the basis was really the list. It was fun to pick actually, because there are Avon products that I am not familiar with so it's like a wildcard. Question is, did I pick the items that I'd like?
Hi guys!
Haven't been blogging recently (what's new to this story?) but, now, I just have something that I can not not share with you guys since it is rather exciting (as you can tell by the title) and good news.
I am so excited. Extremely excited.
So, ever since I got an Instagram (@itsnotgecca) account, I have been checking out online sellers around my area! And dang it! There are a lot of them! Long story short, I bought a Nyx Stick Blush from JencoOnlineshop (@jencoonlineshop). Check out her Instagram account because the retail prices are very affordable! Anyway, here's a review!
NYX Stick Blush in Orchid
Hi! Hello!
Here I am blogging with a Month Fave! Because I feel the need to! And of course, to share with you guys some of the things that I am really loving for the past month! I have really been busy with mainly work and procrastination! No. Just kidding. Let's get on with it!
So, first item on my favorites for the month of August is San San's Eyebrow Pencil! I have learned the importance of eyebrows. Eyebrows are there to frame the face. So, if you have a beautiful frame for the beautiful set of eyes, then I envy you because I don't have much going on my brows really. So I have to "draw them in". I use a dark brown shade (I use a gray shade before then I ran out and it's hard for me to get another by this time) to soften the face.

Firstly, I want to say sorry to my internet friends because i have been gone for 4 months! I have been busy because of work and everything seemed crazy every week and week ends are my days of spending for my family and hanging out with them and... I'm so sorry. I missed everything about blogging! How are you guys? What have you been up to? I really feel that I need to catch up on everything you guys post and I will look it up soon! But for now, here's a REVIEW!
So, as I have may already mentioned it on my older blog posts, or if I haven't, I am telling you now... I don't usually buy stuff that blows up my budget. I mean, make-up can be expensive and I try my hardest to avoid these things and if I really like or if I become curious about an expensive make-up, I research about them and try to find dupes. This is a very good advice for those who are running on a low budget and trying to save their banks. SO, why did I bought this? This I bought from a friend and can be paid later on when she needs it. *yay*
HI guys! Haven't blogged lately! I've been a little bit busy I suppose. But enough excuses, I want to share to you guys my new found lippies! So, I was just in a department store (SM) and of course, I was cruising through the cosmetic isles and I found a lippie sale! :)
Color Impact Lipstick by Beauty Treats
Real quick blog post!
Have you seen Audrey Hepburn's new commercial? It's for galaxy chocolate! More details HERE. Anyway, I just want to express my thoughts on this. IT IS PERFECT!! Take a look:
For me, this is perfect. Some people think it's creepy because of the idea of bringing Audrey to life but I think it's brilliant! Seeing her as if she is really alive kind of brought me to the decade where she was. I mean, look at her! Fluttering her lashes and all. I love it. How about you? What do you think?
Okay. So I was a bit caught up lately that I haven't done a second makeup look which I promised myself. But anyway, LET'S GET DIGITAL! I've always wanted to try digital makeup and I haven't had a model or a photo that works for me. Until one day.. :)
Hello Internet!
I have a few things to share with you today. :) My current obsessions :) Some have not changed and I've added a few to my Obsessions List.
♥ I am still obsessed with YouTube of course. In my past post, I've shared to you about Jack and Finn of JacksGap and Dan of danisnotonfire. NOW, there is a YouTuber who stands up for the ladies and she's not even a beauty guru but a not-so-ordinary YouTuber. Say hello to Ella of Ella Grace channel! Yay!
HI guys! This is my first make up feature! I am a BEGINNER when it comes to make up and I have to learn so much more! Thank goodness for YouTube and Preen.me, I learned so much from it. So, I just want to share some of eye makeups that I have done, and hopefully, it will improve! :))
Look no. 1
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These are just my look of all time picks that I like and I would absolutely wear. My taste for makeup is natural and fun. I like to share them with you. ♥ These are in no particular order.
Winged Eyeliner
Natural and glowing are the two important things that I keep in mind whenever I do may everyday make-up. I use them to a minimal if I have to because I don't like too much make-up on my face, except of course if I have to attend an event. Each of these products are under a Php100.00 except for the cheek and lip gel. These are my list of make-up that I use everyday.
1. Moisturizer. First, I start of by moisturizing my skin with Myra E Moisturizer. of course, you gotta moisturize your face because some products can really dry up your skin. :)
So, we all know that Green is IN this year, but what particular shade? The best basis for colors of the year is of course, pantone.com. Emerald is the shade of the year, not necessarily just for clothes but also accessorizing your simple look with these emeralds. But if you're not so keen on green, check out these colors from Pantone that works well this year.
Are you a "Makeup Artist"? Do you aspire to be a "Makeup Guru"? To become one, you must start on having the right tools to do the job! Join Dream Makeup's Sigma Beauty Essentials Brush Kit Giveaway!
So pretty! I'd love to have either the Blush Coral or the Crazy Purple. :)
♥ Click here for details and mechanics on how to join this giveaway.
♥ If you are under 18, you have to have your parents consent to join this giveaway.
♥ Giveaway ends on the 20th of March 2013, EST.
What's included in the Sigma Beauty Essential Brush Kit? Check out sigmabeauty.com for more details about the brushes!
Good luck guys!
Thanks for reading!
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Hey Blogger! Before I begin with my current obsession, I'd like to greet a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. Sorry. It's late. I know. Sue me! :) Anyway, I haven't posted any blogs lately, (duh.. it's been a month!) because of the Holidays and because of my current obsession for this year.
1. #GREYSESSED - Fifty Shades Trilogy
Forgive me for being obsessed with a fictional character who is totally perfect. (Wish he was real. I'd like to admire a real person.) I've read the books, yeah. I know what they are all about before I read them and not being able to put them down. :)